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Pilea Peperomioides/Chinese Money Plant

Plant height 10cm to 15cm



Pilea Peperomioides/Chinese Money Plant:

Pilea Peperomioides/Chinese Money Plant is also known as Pancake, Pass-it-on, lefse plant, missionary, bender, mirror grass plant. Peperomioides is an eye-catching green beauty plant due to which it becomes most lovable plant around the world. One can add pilea, the beautiful rounded green leaves plant to their indoor jungle.

Meaning of Chinese Money Plant:

Meaning behind pilea nickname as Chinese Money Plant actually comes from Southwest China. About Pilea it is believed that it bring good luck , money and fortune who ever place it in their house. The reason is its large, circular leaves stack on top of each other, as they look like a coin and the idea of money come from its shape.

Care of Pilea:

Do not leave it directly exposed to sunlight. be careful in the months of summer. Watering is very important part, as it gets very thirsty like humans.

You may also like other type of Money plant .


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