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Fittonia Green Plant

Plant Height : 5cm to 10cm

Plant Origin  : Holland

د.إ14.00 د.إ20.00


Fittonia Green Plant.

Fittonia Green Plant need very less care and grow very well in indoor places. once it start dropping leaves you have to put water then.


water once in a week or check the soil when soil top level is dried till 1 inches. . it needs the water moist at all the time. but overwatering can cause root rot, brown spot and leave drop. watering in early morning or late evening is recommended. always check soil before watering.

Light :

it need bright direct sunlight or partial shade is also good.


Use liquid fertilizers for best results. Recommended time is once in every 2 weeks.

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  • Healthy Plants with its company default pot and premium quality soil.
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  7. Guaranteed quality.

You have any question or any feedback. you can reach us through

  • Email                  : Sunriseflower.ae@gmail.com
  • Facebook           :  Sunrise Flower
  • Youtube             : sunriseflower5
  • TikTok                : sunriseflower14
  • call/WhatsApp : 00971556862375

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Dimensions 8 cm

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