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Calathea Lancifolia Plant Dubai



Calathea Lancifolia Plant Dubai

Calathea Lancifolia, commonly known as the Rattlesnake Plant, is a popular choice among plant enthusiasts in Dubai due to its striking foliage and relatively low maintenance requirements. Originating from the Brazilian rainforest, this plant is favored for its unique lance-shaped leaves and intricate patterns.

Ideal Growing Conditions

In Dubai’s climate, providing the right conditions is crucial for the Calathea Lancifolia to thrive. It prefers indirect light to avoid leaf scorching, making it suitable for indoor environments or shaded outdoor spots. Maintaining a consistent temperature between 18°C to 23°C and humidity levels around 50-60% mimics its native habitat, promoting healthy growth.

Watering and Humidity Requirements

Regular watering is essential, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. In Dubai’s dry climate, using distilled or filtered water prevents mineral buildup, which can damage the plant. Increasing humidity through methods like misting or placing a pebble tray nearby helps maintain optimal moisture levels.

Soil and Fertilization

A well-draining, peat-based potting mix enriched with organic matter supports the Calathea Lancifolia’s growth. During the growing season (spring and summer), bi-weekly fertilization with a balanced liquid fertilizer at half strength encourages lush foliage. In winter, reduce feeding to once a month as the plant enters a dormant phase.

Maintenance and Pest Control

Regularly inspecting for pests like spider mites or aphids is crucial. In Dubai’s indoor environments, pests can be controlled using natural remedies or gentle insecticidal soap. Pruning yellowed or damaged leaves helps redirect energy to healthy growth and maintains the plant’s aesthetic appeal.

Propagation and Repotting

Propagation is typically done through division during repotting in spring, ensuring each division has sufficient roots and shoots for successful establishment. Upgrading pot size every 1-2 years allows the Calathea Lancifolia to continue thriving without becoming root-bound.

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Plastic Pot, White Ceramic Pot

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