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Outdoor | Rose 6L | Flowering plant

Plant Height : 35cm to 45cm



Outdoor | Rose 6L | Flowering plant:

Rose 6L (outdoor-flowering plant) is either a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus rosa. Rose has over three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivars. The rose plant has medium tolerance to wind and sun. garden rose require medium amount of water. Rose flower has fragrance, slow in growth, high drought and pest tolerance. Roses, among the most beloved flowering plants, boast diverse colors, fragrances and varieties. Their elegant petals and thorny stems have symbolized love, beauty and passion for centuries. With hundreds of species and hybrid, roses enchant gardeners worldwide, offering a stunning array of colors and scents.

Care: Rose 6L a flowering plant, thrive in well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight. These perennials require regular watering and pruning to promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

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