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indoor | Aglaonema Pink | Chinese Evergreen

Plant Height : 20cm – 30cm



indoor | Aglaonema Pink | Chinese Evergreen

Water the soil , not the leaves and flowers. but you can spray once a week. Please water the plant as required to keep it healthy. keep it away from direct sunlight. Avoid placing in trouble spots, such as near heat or air conditioning ducts. Healthy plants with company default pot and premium quality soil. Plant you see in picture may very from actual because of its natural habitat. Although we make every effort to match the image shown.

We communicate with every customer through WhatsApp and email. Also visit other type of Aglaonema

Reasons to buy from AL Zahra Garden LLC

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  5. On-time delivery
  6. Careful handling
  7. Guaranteed quality.

You have any question or any feedback. you can reach us through

  • Email                  : Sunriseflower.ae@gmail.com
  • Facebook           :  Sunrise Flower
  • call/WhatsApp : 00971556862375

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