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Syngonium Alba 50cm



Syngonium Alba 50cm:

Syngonium Alba 50cm is a stunning member of the Araceae family, is renowned for its elegant foliage and compact size, making it a sought after choice for indoor plant enthusiasts. With its striking variegated leaves and manageable height of 50cm, Syngonium Alba is an ideal addition to any living or workspace. The foliage of Alba features arrowhead-shaped leaves with vibrant green hues accented by creamy white veins, lending an aesthetic appeal to any environment. The compact size of 50cm makes it suitable for tabletops, shelves or as part of a larger indoor garden display.

Cultivation and Care:

Syngonium thrives in well-draining soil and moderate indirect sunlight, making it adaptable to various indoor conditions. Regular watering to keep the soil lightly moist, along with occasional misting, helps maintain its lush appearance. Additionally, occasional pruning can encourage bushier growth and prevent legginess.


Alba offers air-purifying benefits by filtering out toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, contributing to a healthier indoor environment. Its manageable size and low maintenance requirements make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced plant owners alike.

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Dimensions 50 cm

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